Monday, January 2, 2012

Welding Repairs and The Dangers Involved

!±8± Welding Repairs and The Dangers Involved

Indeed, I don't care what anyone says, welding is hard work, and you have to pay attention. Sure, those folks that do underwater pipeline welding have the most dangerous job in the world, and you won't find an argument from me on that. Nevertheless, that isn't the only dangerous welding job you can do and I've personally witnessed a couple of accidents on the job, with new welders who perhaps were not paying attention. One happened in a refuse truck yard at a city public works site.

You see, there was a welder who was working on the frame of a garbage truck, and one of the tires had a bubble on the inside sidewall of the tire, which I guess the welder didn't see. He was working on a piece of frame that was attached to a giant set of leaf springs, some of the sparks apparently hit the tire, and there must've been a slow leak perhaps, and once it caught that, all that oxygen escaped from inside the tire, along with the chemical gases from the welder, it exploded. It knocked the welder back about 10 feet, and on his butt, unable to move, he laid on his back, as the truck caught on fire.

One of his buddies, pulled him away from the garbage truck, and within 3 minutes half of the truch was engulfed in flames, and folks were running at the garbage truck with fire extinguishers. I happen to be there because we had a contract to clean all the garbage trucks with hot water pressure washers, one of the reasons being that the grease, oil, and hydraulic fluid had to be cleaned off so the mechanics could work on the garbage trucks, but also because they were a fire hazard.

Apparently this individual was welding on the garbage truck, which had not been properly cleaned, and it wasn't even on our list to clean that day. Is that why it caught on fire? Perhaps not, because the tire exploded releasing all the air at once, but I don't believe it needed to burn to the ground, which is what happened that day. I fired up the pressure washer, and tried to help fight the fire, but it was no use, and all the fire extinguishers were empty, and the fire trucks were on their way, as the diesel fuel by that time only helped increase the fire and explosive force, by the time it was all over the shop itself was a smoky mess with fire retardant foam, what a mess.

It turns out the guy was okay, because he was wearing a welding safety visor, and the proper clothes, but it goes to show you that you must be careful when welding, and you shouldn't take risks unnecessarily, he could have easily been killed that day. Safety first. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Welding Repairs and The Dangers Involved

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